Why are people awful?

Anxiety and low self esteem is why people are awful.” Tim Minchin

I have said it many times before, that people behave in a way that makes sense to them. There is always a reason why they do the things that they do, even if that reason is hidden from them.

When someone behaves in a way which has a negative effect on others, when they are being awful, 99 times out of 100, it because of anxiety and low self esteem. When we are able to recognise that, it makes our lives easier because then we know that their behaviour has nothing to do with me and who I am, it is just what they are going through right now that is causing it. To switch it around, when I am treating someone else badly, it has nothing to do with them and who they are, it is just what I am going through at that moment.

Anxiety and low self-esteem have a lot to answer for.

That being said, now that we know what causes awful behaviour, we now get to choose how we behave. We always get to choose our response, as challenging as it may be in the moment. As an adult, that is our choice. We can choose to treat people well, or badly and we are responsible for the outcomes of our behaviour. Regardless of if there is anxiety and low self-esteem at play, there are always consequences for what we do and we should be held accountable for our actions.

So, I am to choose to be generous to those who are treating others badly, and to myself when I fall short of how I want to treat other people.

But generosity also holds people to account and allows consequences for their actions to play out. Generosity encourages people to do better.

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