2024 – The Year of Sweetness (because ‘sweet spot’ sounds a little weird for some reason)

I can’t remember who said it late last year, but in a conversation with someone they used the term ‘sweet spot’ in regards to their work. Immediately it resonated and I knew that was something I wanted to focus on too.

I do a lot of different things in life, work, family and extra curricular activities. Some things I do just because I did them last year, and the year before and they become part of my routine. Looking for my sweet spot in different areas has helped me think about the things that I can let go of. Things that are good, I don’t mind them, they don’t create a negative effect, but they are not great. Whether that’s reducing the content I create, the amount of events I attend or create, or meetings that I say yes to.

And if I say no to them this year, it leaves me with more time to spend doing the things that are great, that I love and that are right in my sweet spot.

In a practical, non-work sense, this looks like focusing on shorter distances with my running and not the longer ones. Sure, I can run a reasonable 5km, but it’s not great and it takes energy away from the 100m, which I love.

Sweet spot. Sweet spot. The more I say it the weirder it sounds. I can only imagine that spending 2024 using that as my theme it will get on my nerves, so I have landed on ‘sweetness’ as my word for the year. Sure it’s a bit “Dude, where’s my car”, but that aside I enjoy the idea of seeking out the sweetness of life.